Chapter 10 EGAT direct customers
EGAT direct customers are as follows:
- 14 domestic customers
- Sattahip Navy station
- Voice of America (VOA) radio station
- SCG Tung Song
- SCG Ta Luang
- Jalaprathan cement
- Siam Iron and Steel
- Padaeng industry
- ESSO Ao Phai
- IPP-Ratch (Tharab)
- IPP-Ratchburi power
- Others
- IPP & SPP standby
- Temporary
- Thai Oil
- 12 neighboring customers
- Electricité du Cambodge (EDC)
- Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)
- Électricité du Laos (EDL)
- Theun Hinboun Hydro Power Plant (เทิน-หินบุน)
- Houay Ho Hydro Power Plant (ห้วยเฮาะ)
- Nam Theun 2 Hydro Power Plant (น้ำเทิน 2)
- Nam Ngum 2 Hydro Power Plant (น้ำงึม 2)
- Hongsa Mine Mouth Thermal Power Plant
- Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydro Power Plant (เซเปียน-เซน้ำน้อย)
- Nam Ngiep 1 Hydro Power Plant (น้ำเงี๊ยบ 1)
- Xayaburi Hydro Power Plant
- Nam Theun 1 Hydro Power Plant (น้ำเทิน 1)
A historical purchased electricity between 2019–2021, is obtained from a budget load approved on September 2022. An estimated electricity purchased electricity is taken from a budget load approved on March 2022. The R code chunk are given below.
The historical and estimated purchased electricity are named as b_dc_ene
and pdp2022_dc_ene
, respectively.
b_dc_ene <-
read_excel("raw_data/01 EGAT_20Oct2022_งบ66 67_Final_Sent อศง.xlsx",
sheet = "DCs",
range = "A6:K44",
col_names = c("direct_cus", 2019:2028)) %>%
drop_na() %>%
filter(str_detect(direct_cus, "Energy Demand ")) %>%
pivot_longer(-direct_cus, names_to = "year", values_to = "dc_gwh") %>%
mutate(year = as.numeric(year),
year_th = year + 543)
pdp2022_dc_ene <-
read_excel("raw_data/93 EGAT_25Aug2022_13 Energy ภาพรวม NIDA_BAU_ND_EE70__Sent.xlsx",
sheet = "DCs_Mar_BAU",
range = "A6:V51",
col_names = c("direct_cus", 2017:2037)) %>%
drop_na() %>%
filter(str_detect(direct_cus, "Energy Demand ")) %>%
pivot_longer(-direct_cus, names_to = "year", values_to = "dc_gwh") %>%
filter(direct_cus == "Energy Demand of OVER ALL") %>%
mutate(year = as.numeric(year),
year_th = year + 543) %>%
filter(year >= 2029)
A rbind
function is a function combined EGAT direct customers. It is named newdc_ene
Total purchased electricity from EGAT direct customers decreased from 3,831 GWh in 2010 and reached its minimum 2,392 GWh in 2023. The purchased electricity gradually increases to 2,744 GWh in 2037 (see Figure 10.1). Figure 10.2 and 10.3 shows a purchased electricity from a domestic and a neighboring customers. Sattahip navy station purchased the highest electricity, followed by SCG Tungsong and SCG Talung (see Figure 10.2). EDL and EDC are the top purchased elecricity from EGAT (see Figure 10.3).