List of figures

Figure name Figure number
Energy consumption for electricity generation from 2017–2021 1.1
EGAT electricity sale profile to MEA in 2019 3.1
EGAT electricity sale profile to PEA-R1 in 2019 3.2
EGAT electricity sale profile to PEA-R2 in 2019 3.3
EGAT electricity sale profile to PEA-R3 in 2019 3.4
EGAT electricity sale profile to PEA-R4 in 2019 3.5
EGAT electricity sale profile to PEA (all regions) in 2019 3.6
EGAT electricity sale profile to direct customer in PEA-R1 in 2019 3.7
EGAT electricity sale profile to direct customer in PEA-R2 in 2019 3.8
EGAT electricity sale profile to direct customer in PEA-R3 in 2019 3.9
EGAT electricity sale profile to direct customer in PEA-R4 in 2019 3.10
EGAT electricity sale profile to direct customer in PEA (all regions) in 2019 3.11
EGAT electricity sale profile to PEA R1 and direct customer in PEA R1 in 2019 3.12
EGAT electricity sale profile to PEA R2 and direct customer in PEA R2 in 2019 3.13
EGAT electricity sale profile to PEA R3 and direct customer in PEA R3 in 2019 3.14
EGAT electricity sale profile to PEA R4 and direct customer in PEA R4 in 2019 3.15
EGAT electricity sale profile 2019 3.16
MEA electricity requirement profile in 2019 3.17
The electricity requirement profile from PEA R1 in 2019 3.18
The electricity requirement profile from PEA R2 in 2019 3.19
The electricity requirement profile from PEA R3 in 2019 3.20
The electricity requirement profile from PEA R4 in 2019 3.21
The electricity requirement profile from TNB in 2019 3.22
The electricity requirement profile from EDL in 2019 3.23
The electricity requirement profile from PEA R2 and EDL in 2019 3.24
The electricity requirement profile from PEA R3 and TNB in 2019 3.25
The electricity requirement profile from MEA and PEA R1 in 2019 3.26
The EGAT net generation profile in 2019 3.27
Transmission loss profile in 2019 4.1
The MEA transmission loss and use profile in 2019 4.2
The PEA R1 transmission loss and use profile in 2019 4.3
The PEA R2 transmission loss and use profile in 2019 4.4
The PEA R3 transmission loss and use profile in 2019 4.5
The PEA R4 transmission loss and use profile in 2019 4.6
The MEA total net electricity generation requirement in 2019 5.1
The PEA R1 total net electricity generation requirement in 2019 5.2
The PEA R2 total net electricity generation requirement in 2019 5.3
The PEA R3 total net electricity generation requirement in 2019 5.4
The PEA R4 total net electricity generation requirement in 2019 5.5
Total net electricity generation requirement in 2019 5.6
Electricity generation from VSPP in MEA region during 2005–2021 6.1
Electricity generation from VSPP in PEA region during 2005–2021 6.2
Electricity generation from DEDE in PEA region during 2005–2021 6.3
Self electricity generation in PEA region during 2005–2021 6.4
Electricity generation from VSPP during 2015–2021 6.5
VSPP contract capacity in the PDP2018 Rev.1 7.1
VSPP electricity generation in the PDP2018 Rev.1 7.2
VSPP contract capacity in the PDP2022 case 7 7.3
VSPP electricity generation in the PDP2022 case 7 7.4
Total electricity generation from VSPPs in PDP2018 Rev.1 7.5
Total electricity generation from VSPPs in PDP2022 case 7 7.6
VSPPs contract capacity 7.7
VSPPs contract capacity mix 7.8
Electricity generation from VSPPs 7.9
Electricity generation mix from VSPPs 7.10
Electricity consumption in EGAT head office and others 8.1
Electricity consumption in EGAT substations 8.2
Electricity consumption in station service (off-load) 8.3
Electricity consumption in Mae Moh mining 8.4
Electricity consumption by pumped storage hydropower plants 8.5
Total EGAT internal electricity consumption 8.6
Total EGAT electricity consumption by categories 8.7
Transmission loss in EGAT power system 9.1
Purchased electricity by EGAT direct customers 10.1
Purchased electricity by domestic customers 10.2
Purchased electricity by neighboring customers 10.3
Total electricity requirement, consumption and loss in the MEA area 11.1
Sector-wise electricity consumption in the MEA region 11.2
Total electricity requirement, consumption, solar IPS and loss in PEA regions 11.3
Sector-wise electricity consumption in PEA regions 11.4