Chapter 4 The transmission loss and use profiles

4.1 The 2019 transmission loss and use profile

A transmissions loss profile is calculated from the difference between the EGAT net electricity generation and the EGAT electricity sale profile (see equation (4.1))

\[\begin{equation} LSS_{i,t,h} = EGTNETGEN_{i,t,h} - EGTSLE_{i,t,h} \tag{4.1} \end{equation}\]

Where, \(LSS_{i,t,h}\) denotes a transmission loss profile in region \(i\) in year \(t\) at time stamp \(h\) (MW).
\(EGTNETGEN_{i,t,h}\) denotes a EGAT net generation profile in region \(i\) in year \(t\) at time stamp \(h\) (MW) (see equation (3.5)).
\(EGTSLE_{i,t,h}\) denotes the electricity EGAT sale (\(EGTSLE\)) profile in year \(t\) at time stamp \(h\) (MW) (see equation (3.4)).

profile <-
  profiledata$`egt_netgen_2019` %>%
  mutate(egt_sle = profiledata$egtsle_2019$egt_sle,
         tran_loss = egt_netgen - egt_sle) %>% 
  select(-egt_netgen, -egt_sle)

# Summary data ####
maxv <- ceiling(max(profile$tran_loss)) # Get a peak MW
minv <- floor(min(profile$tran_loss)) # Get a min MW
energy <- sum(profile$tran_loss)/2000 # Calculate the energy
peak_day <- profile %>% #Find a peak day
  group_by(year) %>% 
  filter(tran_loss == max(tran_loss)) %>% 
min_day <- profile %>% #Find a min day
  group_by(year) %>% 
  filter(tran_loss == min(tran_loss)) %>% 
  last() %>%  
load_factor <- percent((energy*10^3)/(maxv*8760), 
                       accuracy = 0.01, 
                       decimal.mark = ".")
summary <- tibble(peak_day = peak_day,
                  min_day = min_day,
                  peak_mw = maxv, 
                  min_mw = minv, 
                  energy_gwh = energy,
                  load_factor = load_factor) # combine all data in 1 table
Table 4.1: Summary of a transmission loss profile in 2019
peak_day min_day peak_mw min_mw energy_gwh load_factor
2019-06-22 19:00:00 2019-01-26 12:00:00 1666 -1017 3005.719 20.60%
profile_plot <-
  ggplot() + 
            aes(x = datetime, 
                y = tran_loss,
                group = month,
                color = as.factor(month)),
            show.legend = FALSE) +
  ThemeLine +
  labs(x = NULL,
       y = "Transmission loss & use (MW)")+
  scale_x_datetime(breaks=date_breaks("1 month"), 
                   labels=date_format("%b %y")) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(round(minv,-3), round(maxv,-3)*1.2,200),
                     limits = c(round(minv,-3)*1.1, round(maxv, -3)*1.1)) +  
  scale_color_manual(values = linepalette1) +
             aes(x = peak_day, y = peak_mw))+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  geom_text(data = summary,
            aes(x = peak_day, y = round(maxv, -3)*1.05),
            label = glue("Peak {maxv} MW \n@ {peak_day}"),
            hjust = 0.5) +
             aes(x = min_day, y = min_mw))+
  geom_text(data = summary,
            aes(x = min_day, y = round(minv, -3)*0.8),
            label = glue("Minimum {minv} MW \n@ {min_day}"),
            hjust = 0,
            vjust = 0)

# Save the output ####
outputfigure <- paste0(outfigdir, "tran_loss_2019.png")
ggsave(profile_plot, file = outputfigure, dpi = 150, width = 15, height = 5, units = "in", limitsize = FALSE)
profiledata <- c(profiledata, list("tran_loss_2019" = profile))
profilefigure <- c(profilefigure, list("tran_loss_2019" = profile_plot))
summarydata <- c(summarydata, list("sum_tran_loss_2019" = summary))

The 2019 transmission loss profile is illustrated in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Transmission loss profile in 2019.

###The 2019 MEA transmission loss and use profile

profile <-
  profiledata$mea_requirement_2019 %>%
  mutate(mea_egt_sle = profiledata$mea_egtsle_2019$MEA,
         mea_tran_loss = MAC - mea_egt_sle) %>% 
  select(-MAC, -mea_egt_sle)

# Summary data ####
maxv <- ceiling(max(profile$mea_tran_loss)) # Get a peak MW
minv <- floor(min(profile$mea_tran_loss)) # Get a min MW
energy <- sum(profile$mea_tran_loss)/2000 # Calculate the energy
peak_day <- profile %>% #Find a peak day
  group_by(year) %>% 
  filter(mea_tran_loss == max(mea_tran_loss)) %>% 
min_day <- profile %>% #Find a min day
  group_by(year) %>% 
  filter(mea_tran_loss == min(mea_tran_loss)) %>% 
  last() %>%  
load_factor <- percent((energy*10^3)/(maxv*8760), 
                       accuracy = 0.01, 
                       decimal.mark = ".")
summary <- tibble(peak_day = peak_day,
                  min_day = min_day,
                  peak_mw = maxv, 
                  min_mw = minv, 
                  energy_gwh = energy,
                  load_factor = load_factor) # combine all data in 1 table
Table 4.2: Summary of a MEA transmission loss and use profile in 2019
peak_day min_day peak_mw min_mw energy_gwh load_factor
2019-12-19 08:30:00 2019-07-01 1633 75 9319.783 65.15%
profile_plot <-
  ggplot() + 
            aes(x = datetime, 
                y = mea_tran_loss,
                group = month,
                color = as.factor(month)),
            show.legend = FALSE) +
  ThemeLine +
  labs(x = NULL,
       y = "MEA transmission loss & use (MW)")+
  scale_x_datetime(breaks=date_breaks("1 month"), 
                   labels=date_format("%b %y")) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(round(minv,-3), round(maxv,-3)*1.2,200),
                     limits = c(round(minv,-3)*1.1, round(maxv, -3))) +  
  scale_color_manual(values = linepalette1) +
             aes(x = peak_day, y = peak_mw))+
  # geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  geom_text(data = summary,
            aes(x = peak_day, y = round(maxv, -3)),
            label = glue("Peak {maxv} MW \n@ {peak_day}"),
            hjust = 0.8,
            vjust = 1) +
             aes(x = min_day, y = min_mw))+
  geom_text(data = summary,
            aes(x = min_day, y = round(minv, -3)*0.8),
            label = glue("Minimum {minv} MW \n@ {min_day}"),
            hjust = 0,
            vjust = 0)

# Save the output ####
outputfigure <- paste0(outfigdir, "mea_tran_loss_2019.png")
ggsave(profile_plot, file = outputfigure, dpi = 150, width = 15, height = 5, units = "in", limitsize = FALSE)
profiledata <- c(profiledata, list("mea_tran_loss_2019" = profile))
profilefigure <- c(profilefigure, list("mea_tran_loss_2019" = profile_plot))
summarydata <- c(summarydata, list("sum_mea_tran_loss_2019" = summary))

The 2019 MEA transmission loss and use profile is illustrated in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2: The MEA transmission loss and use profile in 2019.

4.1.1 The 2019 PEA-R1 (Central region) transmission loss and use profile

profile <-
  profiledata$r1_central_requirement_2019 %>%
  mutate(r1_egt_sle = profiledata$`r1+dcr1_egtsle_2019`$r1_egt_sle,
         r1_tran_loss = CAC - r1_egt_sle) %>% 
  select(-CAC, -r1_egt_sle)

# Summary data ####
maxv <- ceiling(max(profile$r1_tran_loss)) # Get a peak MW
minv <- floor(min(profile$r1_tran_loss)) # Get a min MW
energy <- sum(profile$r1_tran_loss)/2000 # Calculate the energy
peak_day <- profile %>% #Find a peak day
  group_by(year) %>% 
  filter(r1_tran_loss == max(r1_tran_loss)) %>% 
min_day <- profile %>% #Find a min day
  group_by(year) %>% 
  filter(r1_tran_loss == min(r1_tran_loss)) %>% 
  last() %>%  
load_factor <- percent((energy*10^3)/(maxv*8760), 
                       accuracy = 0.01, 
                       decimal.mark = ".")
summary <- tibble(peak_day = peak_day,
                  min_day = min_day,
                  peak_mw = maxv, 
                  min_mw = minv, 
                  energy_gwh = energy,
                  load_factor = load_factor)
Table 4.3: Summary of a PEA R1 transmission loss and use profile in 2019
peak_day min_day peak_mw min_mw energy_gwh load_factor
2019-06-30 17:30:00 2019-04-08 17:00:00 195 -1827 -9010.143 -527.46%
profile_plot <-
  ggplot() + 
            aes(x = datetime, 
                y = r1_tran_loss,
                group = month,
                color = as.factor(month)),
            show.legend = FALSE) +
  ThemeLine +
  labs(x = NULL,
       y = "PEA R1 (Central region) transmission\n loss & use (MW)")+
  scale_x_datetime(breaks=date_breaks("1 month"), 
                   labels=date_format("%b %y")) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(round(minv,-3), round(maxv,-2)*1.1,200),
                     limits = c(round(minv,-2)*1.1, round(maxv, -2)*2)) +  
  scale_color_manual(values = linepalette1) +
             aes(x = peak_day, y = peak_mw))+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  geom_text(data = summary,
            aes(x = peak_day, y = round(maxv, -2)*1.4),
            label = glue("Peak {maxv} MW \n@ {peak_day}"),
            hjust = -0.1,
            vjust = 1) +
             aes(x = min_day, y = min_mw))+
  geom_text(data = summary,
            aes(x = min_day, y = round(minv, -3)*0.8),
            label = glue("Minimum {minv} MW \n@ {min_day}"),
            hjust = 0,
            vjust = 1.9)

# Save the output ####
outputfigure <- paste0(outfigdir, "r1_tran_loss_2019.png")
ggsave(profile_plot, file = outputfigure, dpi = 150, width = 15, height = 5, units = "in", limitsize = FALSE)
profiledata <- c(profiledata, list("r1_tran_loss_2019" = profile))
profilefigure <- c(profilefigure, list("r1_tran_loss_2019" = profile_plot))
summarydata <- c(summarydata, list("sum_r1_tran_loss_2019" = summary))

The 2019 PEA R1 transmission loss and use profile is illustrated in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3: The PEA R1 transmission loss and use profile in 2019.

4.1.2 The 2019 PEA-R2 (North Eastern region) transmission loss and use profile

profile <-
  profiledata$`r2&export_EDL_requirement_2019` %>%
  mutate(r2_egt_sle = profiledata$`r2+dcr2_egtsle_2019`$r2_egt_sle,
         r2_tran_loss = r2_edl - r2_egt_sle) %>% 
  select(-r2_edl, -r2_egt_sle)

# Summary data ####
maxv <- ceiling(max(profile$r2_tran_loss)) # Get a peak MW
minv <- floor(min(profile$r2_tran_loss)) # Get a min MW
energy <- sum(profile$r2_tran_loss)/2000 # Calculate the energy
peak_day <- profile %>% #Find a peak day
  group_by(year) %>% 
  filter(r2_tran_loss == max(r2_tran_loss)) %>% 
min_day <- profile %>% #Find a min day
  group_by(year) %>% 
  filter(r2_tran_loss == min(r2_tran_loss)) %>% 
  last() %>%  
load_factor <- percent((energy*10^3)/(maxv*8760), 
                       accuracy = 0.01, 
                       decimal.mark = ".")
summary <- tibble(peak_day = peak_day,
                  min_day = min_day,
                  peak_mw = maxv, 
                  min_mw = minv, 
                  energy_gwh = energy,
                  load_factor = load_factor) # combine all data in 1 table
Table 4.4: Summary of a PEA R2 transmission loss and use profile in 2019
peak_day min_day peak_mw min_mw energy_gwh load_factor
2019-08-27 15:00:00 2019-04-22 23:00:00 737 -394 1430.883 22.16%
profile_plot <-
  ggplot() + 
            aes(x = datetime, 
                y = r2_tran_loss,
                group = month,
                color = as.factor(month)),
            show.legend = FALSE) +
  ThemeLine +
  labs(x = NULL,
       y = "PEA R2 (North Eastern region) transmission\n loss & use (MW)")+
  scale_x_datetime(breaks=date_breaks("1 month"), 
                   labels=date_format("%b %y")) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(round(minv,-2), round(maxv,-2)*1.3,200),
                     limits = c(round(minv,-2)*1.1, round(maxv, -2)*1.2)) +  
  scale_color_manual(values = linepalette1) +
             aes(x = peak_day, y = peak_mw))+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  geom_text(data = summary,
            aes(x = peak_day, y = round(maxv, -2)*1.2),
            label = glue("Peak {maxv} MW \n@ {peak_day}"),
            # hjust = 1,
            vjust = 0.5) +
             aes(x = min_day, y = min_mw))+
  geom_text(data = summary,
            aes(x = min_day, y = round(minv, -3)*0.8),
            label = glue("Minimum {minv} MW \n@ {min_day}"),
            # hjust = 0,
            vjust = 8.5)

# Save the output ####
outputfigure <- paste0(outfigdir, "r2_tran_loss_2019.png")
ggsave(profile_plot, file = outputfigure, dpi = 150, width = 15, height = 5, units = "in", limitsize = FALSE)
profiledata <- c(profiledata, list("r2_tran_loss_2019" = profile))
profilefigure <- c(profilefigure, list("r2_tran_loss_2019" = profile_plot))
summarydata <- c(summarydata, list("sum_r2_tran_loss_2019" = summary))

The 2019 PEA R2 transmission loss and use profile is illustrated in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4: The PEA R2 transmission loss and use profile in 2019.

4.1.3 The 2019 PEA-R3 (Southern region) transmission loss and use profile

profile <-
  mutate(r3_egt_sle = profiledata$`r3+dcr3_egtsle_2019`$r3_egt_sle,
         r3_tran_loss = r3_tnb - r3_egt_sle) %>% 
  select(-r3_tnb, -r3_egt_sle)

# Summary data ####
maxv <- ceiling(max(profile$r3_tran_loss)) # Get a peak MW
minv <- floor(min(profile$r3_tran_loss)) # Get a min MW
energy <- sum(profile$r3_tran_loss)/2000 # Calculate the energy
peak_day <- profile %>% #Find a peak day
  group_by(year) %>% 
  filter(r3_tran_loss == max(r3_tran_loss)) %>% 
min_day <- profile %>% #Find a min day
  group_by(year) %>% 
  filter(r3_tran_loss == min(r3_tran_loss)) %>% 
  last() %>%  
load_factor <- percent((energy*10^3)/(maxv*8760), 
                       accuracy = 0.01, 
                       decimal.mark = ".")
summary <- tibble(peak_day = peak_day,
                  min_day = min_day,
                  peak_mw = maxv, 
                  min_mw = minv, 
                  energy_gwh = energy,
                  load_factor = load_factor) # combine all data in 1 table
Table 4.5: Summary of a PEA R3 transmission loss and use profile in 2019
peak_day min_day peak_mw min_mw energy_gwh load_factor
2019-10-05 13:08:00 2019-10-31 11:30:00 413 -112 510.5072 14.11%
profile_plot <-
  ggplot() + 
            aes(x = datetime, 
                y = r3_tran_loss,
                group = month,
                color = as.factor(month)),
            show.legend = FALSE) +
  ThemeLine +
  labs(x = NULL,
       y = "PEA R3 (Southern region) transmission\n loss & use (MW)")+
  scale_x_datetime(breaks=date_breaks("1 month"), 
                   labels=date_format("%b %y")) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(round(minv,-2), round(maxv,-2)*2,200),
                     limits = c(round(minv,-2)*2, round(maxv, -2)*1.4)) +  
  scale_color_manual(values = linepalette1) +
             aes(x = peak_day, y = peak_mw))+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  geom_text(data = summary,
            aes(x = peak_day, y = round(maxv, -2)*1.2),
            label = glue("Peak {maxv} MW \n@ {peak_day}"),
            # hjust = 1,
            vjust = 0.5) +
             aes(x = min_day, y = min_mw))+
  geom_text(data = summary,
            aes(x = min_day, y = round(minv, -3)*0.8),
            label = glue("Minimum {minv} MW \n@ {min_day}"),
            # hjust = 0,
            vjust = 5)

# Save the output ####
outputfigure <- paste0(outfigdir, "r3_tran_loss_2019.png")
ggsave(profile_plot, file = outputfigure, dpi = 150, width = 15, height = 5, units = "in", limitsize = FALSE)
profiledata <- c(profiledata, list("r3_tran_loss_2019" = profile))
profilefigure <- c(profilefigure, list("r3_tran_loss_2019" = profile_plot))
summarydata <- c(summarydata, list("sum_r3_tran_loss_2019" = summary))

The 2019 PEA R3 transmission loss and use profile is illustrated in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.5: The PEA R3 transmission loss and use profile in 2019.

4.1.4 The 2019 PEA-R4 (Northern region) transmission loss and use profile

profile <-
  mutate(r4_egt_sle = profiledata$`r4+dcr4_egtsle_2019`$r4_egt_sle,
         r4_tran_loss = NAC - r4_egt_sle) %>% 
  select(-NAC, -r4_egt_sle)

# Summary data ####
maxv <- ceiling(max(profile$r4_tran_loss)) # Get a peak MW
minv <- floor(min(profile$r4_tran_loss)) # Get a min MW
energy <- sum(profile$r4_tran_loss)/2000 # Calculate the energy
peak_day <- profile %>% #Find a peak day
  group_by(year) %>% 
  filter(r4_tran_loss == max(r4_tran_loss)) %>% 
min_day <- profile %>% #Find a min day
  group_by(year) %>% 
  filter(r4_tran_loss == min(r4_tran_loss)) %>% 
  last() %>%  
load_factor <- percent((energy*10^3)/(maxv*8760), 
                       accuracy = 0.01, 
                       decimal.mark = ".")
summary <- tibble(peak_day = peak_day,
                  min_day = min_day,
                  peak_mw = maxv, 
                  min_mw = minv, 
                  energy_gwh = energy,
                  load_factor = load_factor) # combine all data in 1 table
Table 4.6: Summary of a PEA R4 transmission loss and use profile in 2019
peak_day min_day peak_mw min_mw energy_gwh load_factor
2019-10-04 12:30:00 2019-01-07 07:30:00 565 -417 754.6889 15.25%
profile_plot <-
  ggplot() + 
            aes(x = datetime, 
                y = r4_tran_loss,
                group = month,
                color = as.factor(month)),
            show.legend = FALSE) +
  ThemeLine +
  labs(x = NULL,
       y = "PEA R4 (Northern region) transmission\n loss & use (MW)")+
  scale_x_datetime(breaks=date_breaks("1 month"), 
                   labels=date_format("%b %y")) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(round(minv,-2), round(maxv,-2)*2,200),
                     limits = c(round(minv,-2)*1.2, round(maxv, -2)*1.3)) +  
  scale_color_manual(values = linepalette1) +
             aes(x = peak_day, y = peak_mw))+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  geom_text(data = summary,
            aes(x = peak_day, y = round(maxv, -2)*1.2),
            label = glue("Peak {maxv} MW \n@ {peak_day}"),
            # hjust = 1,
            vjust = 3) +
             aes(x = min_day, y = min_mw))+
  geom_text(data = summary,
            aes(x = min_day, y = round(minv, -3)*0.8),
            label = glue("Minimum {minv} MW \n@ {min_day}"),
            # hjust = 0,
            vjust = 9)

# Save the output ####
outputfigure <- paste0(outfigdir, "r4_tran_loss_2019.png")
ggsave(profile_plot, file = outputfigure, dpi = 150, width = 15, height = 5, units = "in", limitsize = FALSE)
profiledata <- c(profiledata, list("r4_tran_loss_2019" = profile))
profilefigure <- c(profilefigure, list("r4_tran_loss_2019" = profile_plot))
summarydata <- c(summarydata, list("sum_r4_tran_loss_2019" = summary))

The 2019 PEA R4 transmission loss and use profile is illustrated in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6: The PEA R4 transmission loss and use profile in 2019.